I am Branavan The

I specialize in Programming and Designing

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I Specialize In

Programming as well as developing website UI's for desktop and mobile applications.


Creating development documents that contain innovative and interesting ideas.


Designing specifications documents. Creating functional/nonfunctional requirements, mockup UI, etc.


Using the Planning and Designing to bring the idea to life.


Creating unit tests to discover and remove bugs.

My Thinking Process

All my of my projects are based on my personal creative process in order to create the program I am thinking about.


Discussing Potential Ideas

Talking with and engaging with people and seeing what ideas can have a positive impact.


Brainstorm and Concepting

Creating Concepts for the ideas that I think has the most potential and narrowing the options down to one.


Coding and Testing

The bulk of the project, putting all the documents and planning into code and making the idea a reality.


Present Project

Sharing my work with the world.